Useful links

This page contains some useful links to the resources available from code steering group partners and those that have supported the groups work.

ACEVO is the community of civil society leaders. Its website contains advice and support on governance, in particular developing effective CEO and board relationships.

The Association of Chairs supports Chairs and Vice Chairs in England and Wales. You can find resources and events on their website 

The Governance Institute has general and detailed information for the charity and voluntary sectors, including guidance on trustee roles and duties and conflicts of interest, as well as books and courses. Go to the ‘knowledge tab’ and look for the link to ‘charity resources’.

NCVO offer training to support boards in understanding governance, including low cost e-learning on trustee duties

They also have a suite of tools and resources designed to support effective governance.

Charities based in Wales are encouraged to visit WCVA’s website which has guidance and information on events. Third Sector Support Wales is a network of support organisations for the voluntar sector in Wales.

The audit, tax and consulting firm RSM Undertook the first major piece of research into the Code. This work launched in 2019 explores the benefits to charities in adopting the Code and the trends of adoption.